Are you wondering whether you need a website to kick start your freelance writer journey?
Do you find yourself battling over getting a domain name and starting your own website as an internet writer?
With so much information out there on the internet, it can be pretty confusing.
Because the answer is both yes and no. A website or no website depends on your business and freelance goals.
In this blog post, I’ll give you enough reasons to start and not start your own website as a freelance blogger. You decide where you fit in the spectrum.
Why you don’t need a website as a freelance writer?
I did not want to include this part in the blog post but I had to. Even when these points are obvious to most of us writing them down for you to reflect on before delving into all the reasons why a website is beneficial for you is not without reason. We need to know the cost at which we get something.
1. Demands effort and time
If you are just starting as a freelance writer you may be convinced by all the internet gurus that you need a personal website/ a portfolio website or a blog to attract clients. That’s not really true. To start a website, although it’s easy these days, you still need to do a bit of learning here and there. You might even need to hire a professional to build one for you. You will need some knowledge at your end to keep it running.
The thing is when you are starting out all you really need to kickstart is clients. Your main focus should be on finding and retaining good clients. A website will need time and effort you might not be able to give right at the start.
On the contrary, a website is a really good investment for someone who is in a freelance writing career for a time now, has earned over $1000, and has set some savings aside to hire someone to do the heavy work of launching and setting up a website.
2. Can be a distraction
Maintaining a website requires work that you might not be willing or interested in doing if the website is not a major contributor to your ultimate business goals.
For me, a website was a major part of my business goals. I don’t want to keep looking for clients all my life. At some point, I would like my ideal clients to reach out to me. For that, I need a presence online convincing enough for someone to hire me.
But if you, on the contrary, don’t plan on expanding your freelance writing business that way and are willing to trade hours for finances, your website is only going to be a distraction.
Remember, just setting up a website alone is not going to work. You need to consistently keep putting effort to maintain it and attract the right audience and hence, the right clients.
3. Can be disheartening at first
Websites take time to take off. When you start you will be putting in the time, effort, and money but you won’t get a lot of traction right off the bat. Unless you already have a substantial following, you will only build at a steady pace.
This could even mean working for months before actually seeing any results. To sustain you will need to find clients via other sources, build a reputation on the sides and make money to sustain the website. That might not be everyone’s cup of tea.
4. Not the only way to attract clients
The website is not the only way to get freelance writing projects. There are enough examples of people who have made it into the industry without having their own website. You can have an online presence via social media or other portfolio websites and work for great clients.
A website will give you other benefits that we’ll cover in the coming section.
Argue for your limitations and you get to keep them.
Elizabeth Gilbert – Big magic

Why you do need a website as a freelance writer?
We live in a world where everything is expected to be a quick fix. We love and religiously admire get rich quick schemes. We want to experience the joy of overnight success. But what we essentially miss is the fact that it’s not just about the end result. Life is hidden in the journey we so often miss. Because our end is clear to all of us. Your website is going to be a contributor to that experience and journey. I hope you chose writing not just to earn money but also for the love of the craft it is.
1. External motivation to keep you going
Often when you are freelance writing, you are given specific topics to write about in a specific manner. If you are a true writer at heart, I’m sure you have other formats in mind to tap on. Having your own website gives you the freedom to write as you like.
It’s a source of external motivation to keep you going.
Writing is like exercise, you need to keep practicing in order to keep improving at it. By having a website you are working on your craft every single day. This journey doesn’t need to be measured by your failures or successes but by the dedication you put into it.
The famous author, Stephen King dedicated time every single day to write 1000 words. Imagine the compound effect of you dedicating even 1/10th of that to your writer’s website.
2. Easy to reach out
You become easy to reach out to potential clients when you have a single platform to which your social media or advertisement links to.
All internet professionals now want you to have your own website. It’s a great way for people to trust you and see your work. You can show off all the great clients you’ve had in the past too. It’s a one-stop for all your accomplishments as a writer. You can share your:
a. experience
b. niche
c. expertise
d. client testimonials
c. attract more clients
3. A central point of communication
A website is not only a central point of communication for your existing and potential clients but also a place for you to connect to your audience. It’s where you can first-hand experience the feedback on your writing and how it’s benefiting people in their lives.
It’s simply uplifting to wake up to a comment telling you about how your certain blog post made a difference in someone’s life in a certain way.
4. Keep your creativity flowing
Give what you have. To someone, it may be better than you dare think.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
It is said if you are not actively creating something you are probably actively destroying something. It could be you, your routine, your time, your relationships, and sometimes your own peace of mind.
Your website opens up avenues of creativity for you.
5. An additional source of passive income
There are a ton of ways you can use to monetize your website. Once you start getting a consistent amount of views per month you can apply for ad networks. You can sell ebooks and digital products on your website. You can allow people to guest post on your website in exchange for money. Sell ad places on your website. Create a course. Do affiliate marketing. There is a well of ways you can now passively generate income via an established website.
You might also like: 21 Blogging Niches to make money from your blog?
6. Portfolio and testimonials
This is the most common way people use their websites for. To show their work and to get discovered. Your website is a great means to show your sample works and display your testimonials. It builds trust in new clients and increases your chances of getting hired for the work you actually love.
A website is a great source of targetting and attracting your ideal client. Right at the start of your journey as a freelance writer, you might not know who your ideal client is but as soon as you start getting clients, write feedback notes to yourself.
Write about what you liked and disliked about them and the work you did for them. Over time this will help you identify your ideal client and that will be a great step forward in your freelance journey. Honestly, you can not work with everyone. Not all work is for you too.
7. A chance to find your voice
Your website is a great place and a chance to find your voice. How do you want to address certain topics in your niche? Your take on the subject could be unique and people love having a new perspective on things they’ve previously only seen a certain way.
8. Position yourself as a niche expert
If you have a writer website and are usually talking on topics around a certain niche, over time this can make you look like a niche expert. People will want advice from you.
A client I’m working with receives emails from institutions to review their work as an expert because of the well-researched and well-formulated blog posts we put up on her website.
9. Boost SEO and let your ideal clients find you
Your website can generate organic traffic if you give enough attention to SEO. Read about the secrets of SEO no one will tell you in another blog post on this website. More traffic means more eyes on your content and more ideal clients coming your way.
Don’t forget to create an about and work with me page on your website to facilitate new clients.
10. Have your own audience and email list
Lastly, you will have your own little audience and can start building your own email list. Many aspiring writers I talk to would one day like to write their own book. A friend even got invited by a publication house to write a book around the topics on her blog.
At that point, your email list and audience on your blog will be of great value to you. Not only that but even when you launch a product or course, an email list will be of great importance to you.
So, now that you have enough knowledge and know all the pros and cons of having a website as a freelance writer what do you think about yourself? Are you going to get a freelance writer website today? Is it something you plan on doing? Or is it something totally not for you? Let me know in the comments section.